REGISTRATION NOW OPEN - find the link at the bottom of the page

When: February 28 - March 2, 2025

Where: Sticklestad Lodge in Fort Ransom, ND

Pricing & Housing Info:

Registration: $125 per person

Registration Deadline: February 9, 2025


Who is this for? Young adults! Anyone who is 18 years old (and graduated high school) to 30 years old. One college, working part time or full time, single, married or engaged!

Location: Sticklestad Lodge in Fort Ransom, ND

Meals: Meals provided Saturday continental breakfast, Saturday lunch, and Dinner, Sunday continental breakfast and Sunday lunch

Schedule: Friday 7pm - Sunday 12pm

What to bring: Bible, Notebook, comfortable clothes, games to play with others, and a snack to share!

Speaker bio: Pastor Michael Palmer from Florissant, MO.

Michael is an ordained elder, spiritual director, author (Trenches and Tables, APA Press).  He is a certified spiritual director and pastor at Trinity Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Michael is husband to Elizabeth and the father of three wonderful kids, Elliana, Henry, and Levi. He is an avid reader, hiker, and occasional birdwatcher.